From August 12th to September 2nd, 2021

Towards the Second Global Conference of Indigenous Women, we aspire to deepen the debates on strategies for advocacy, in decision-making spaces for the
recognition and protection of the rights of Indigenous Women, promoting good practices and including our own contributions as Indigenous Women.
The 2CGMI will be held in a virtual format during the month of August, two sessions per week, in order to facilitate the participation of all regions. It will start on August 12, and will end on September 2, with the adoption of the Global Political Declaration.

Day 1: “Paths taken and our realities”

August 12

8:00 am - 12:00 pm (PERU) * 9:00 pm - 1:00 am (PERU)

Spiritual ceremony with representation from regional leaderships.
Opening dialogue
Opening panel
Current panorama and how we as Indigenous Women transform realities
Flash Art
Conference presentation
Break Time and transition to interactive sessions

Interactive Sessions
“ Breaking paradigms, Indigenous Women transforming power at
different levels”
1. Participating in decision-making spaces
2. Land, territories, resources and climate change
3. Food sovereignty based on cultural identity
4. The power of resilience of Indigenous Women: at the forefront of
a violence-free life
5. Education and training
6. Wellbeing and health with an emphasis on sexual and reproductive health
7.Migration and the COVID-19 pandemic
8. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as intercultural tools
for advocacy, creating networks and visibility
9. The economic autonomy of Indigenous Women:
different paths to recoup and protect territories and their resources

Day 2 “Nothing about us, without us”

August 19

8:00 am - 12:00 pm (PERU) * 9:00 pm - 1:00 am (PERU)

Spiritual invocation
Tuning the day
From the local to the global agenda: the role of Indigenous Women
in monitoring and implementing international instruments
Advocacy tools:
Yanapaq.info: where Indigenous Peoples inform one another about
our rights; Indigenous Navigator by the Indigenous Peoples Major Group
and Global Report on the situation of Indigenous Women prepared by FIMI
Flash Art
Break Time and transition to interactive sessions

Interactive Sessions
“Our framework of individual and collective rights”
1. Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing + 26 and
Generation Equality Forum)
2. SDGs and Agenda 2030
3. UNDRIP, UNPFII recommendations and Outcome Document from
the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples
4. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
and Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB)
5. CEDAW: General Recommendation on the rights of Indigenous Women

Day 3: Looking at and recognizing ourselves from our own realities

August 26

8:00 am - 12:00 pm (PERU) * 9:00 pm - 1:00 am (PERU)

Spiritual invocation
Tuning the day
Panel ‘Intergenerational dialogue: a look inside the Indigenous Women’s
Flash Art
Break Time and transition to working groups

Working Groups “Indigenous Women’s Movement, collective analysis”
1. The framework of our individual and collective rights
2. Youth dialogue
3. Weaving reciprocity and alliances together
4. Transforming philanthropy
5. Indigenous Women, feminisms and identities
6. Intersectionality – a look at Indigenous Women with disabilities

Day 4: Building and agreeing on our agenda

September 2nd

7:00 am 10:00 am (PERÚ)

Spiritual invocation
Welcome and tuning in
Together for Wellbeing and Mother Earth
Global Agenda and Political Declaration
Closing cultural event