Global Dialogues & Local Stories

The articles in this section were written by community communicators from Indigenous Peoples. The texts include information from the sessions at the 2WCIW and mostly reflect the opinions of panellists, and interpretations and opinions of the writers themselves.

Wiñay Panqara, the radio show that broadcasted the World Conference to the Aymara Women in southern Peru

LThe voices of Indigenous Women from around the world were heard in Puno over the community station run by the Abya Yala Aymaran Women’s Union (UMA), who took part in different sessions at the event.

Let no one silence us: Indigenous femicide in Mexico

Within the framework of the second day of the 2WCIW, ‘Looking at and Recognising Ourselves from Our Own Realities’, activist Laura Hernández was a panellist in the ‘Youth Dialogue’ session. This is her story and contribution to the fight against femicide.


Indigenous Women—from local to global

Indigenous Women from around the globe came together on 19th August 2021 to talk about the movement’s role in monitoring and implementing international instruments. Below is a summary of the opening panel from the second day of the 2WCIW.

Indigenous Women from Mesoamerica make progress on the Sustainable Development Goals regardless of States

The Indigenous Women’s Alliance of Central America and Mexico focused its discussion on the SDGs on gender equality, health and respect for their territories and Cosmovision. They highlighted their best practice in order to attain the goals, despite a lack of government support.

Women keeping the South Pacific islands afloat

The indigenous communities of Kiribati, an island nation located between Australia and Hawaii, know that climate change is a reality. Three decades ago, the United Nations warned that it would be the first country to disappear under water.

The Challenges of the Indigenous Women’s Movement with CEDAW: Nepal’s Contribution

Despite CEDAW being a mandatory treaty, it has not been implemented in many countries like Nepal. Indigenous Women and girls of Nepal explained in the Second World Conference of Indigenous Women how they are facing serious challenges like internal colonialism, racism, patriarchal ideology, policy and practical issues, which do not allow for the implementation of CEDAW.

Philanthropy must learn from the practices of Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous Women demand the international community put an end to paternalistic approaches in cooperation and view it as a reciprocal relationship. In addition, they propose working to require allied states cease funding transnational corporations that steal Indigenous territories.

Thinking and feeling feminism from an Indigenous perspective

Indigenous Women discussed what feminism means to them, whether this is a specific vision of Indigenous Peoples and what they can contribute from their own Cosmovision.

Intergenerational Dialogue to Strengthen the Indigenous Women’s Movement

Three panellists with different intersectionalities shared their stories: Sunná Káddjá Valkeapāā, a 27-year-old non-binary indigenous activist from the Sami people, in Finland; the nurse Minta Jacinta Silakan, activist for Indigenous Women and Children with disabilities among herder communities in Africa; and 84-year-old Noeli Pocaterra, a Wayuu politician in Venezuela.

Indigenous Women as the Key to Sustainable Development

During the 2WCIW, Indigenous Women around the world talked about their role in monitoring and implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.

Indigenous Women demand real compliance with individual and collective rights from states and international institutions

Between 12th August and 2nd September, 500 Indigenous Women from around the globe came together virtually at the Second World Conference of Indigenous Women to discuss the obstacles they continue to face in achieving equality, 26 years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. They debated common challenges and solutions over 47 dialogue sessions in open plenaries and working groups.

Indigenous Women Around the World Turn to International Instruments to Enshrine Their Rights

On the second day of the World Conference of Indigenous Women, indigenous leaders discussed how their rights are enshrined in international treaties and agreements, despite the colonial and patriarchal framework in which these are generated.
For Indigenous Women, these instruments can be used as pressure mechanisms to claim their rights before the States and their own Peoples, although they recognize that there is still a lot of resistance to overcome.

Indigenous Women Demand the Eradication of All Forms of Violences Against Them and Their Peoples

The message was clearly expressed during the inaugural act of the 2nd Global Conference of Indigenous Women where, until September 2, 500 women leaders from around the world are gathering to discuss how to face common challenges and influence the international public agenda.

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